People Tab Overview

The People tab is a central location within GymSales where you can view all of your contact records in one place. Filters allow you to sort and find specific people by various criteria. On this page, you can take various Bulk Actions such as sending a Bulk Email or Bulk SMS or exporting your lead lists to a CSV file.

Here is a snapshot and explanation of each key feature on the People tab:

1. Checkboxes

Before or after you apply filters, you can see how many people total meet the given criteria along the top. Click this checkbox to Select or Deselect all results. You can also select or deselect individual people from the results list to include or exclude them from the action you wish to take.

2. Refine List

Use this to open the Filters view and apply various filters to segment your list of leads before taking action. For more details about using Filters, see our help article Adding Custom Filters on the People Tab.

3. Send SMS/Send Email

Use these features to send text or email messages to multiple people at once. Additional information on our bulk messaging features can be found at these links: Bulk SMS / Bulk Email

4. Import from CSV

Upload lead information from an external source via CSV file. Read more about how to do this here: Importing Leads from a CSV

5. More Bulk Actions menu

Export to CSV -  Export lead information out of GymSales to a CSV file. Read more about this here: How to Export a List of People

Change Salesperson - Use this to assign a salesperson or update the currently assigned salesperson for the leads selected. This is a useful tool to assign a salesperson to your unallocated leads or to reassign your leads to a new Salespeople when the situation calls for it. Read more about how to do this here: Change Salesperson - Bulk

Add a Tag - Add a tag to your list of selected people. This feature is great for tagging groups of your leads at once. Tags will help you search and find them later in reports and running filtered searches by Tags on the People tab. Read more about how to do this here: Bulk Adding Tags

Add a Call - Allows you to schedule a call for the list of leads selected. Future scheduled calls will then be visible on the Today Tab as a task that needs to be completed. Additional information on this feature can be found here: Adding Call Reminders in Bulk

Change Status to Not Interested -  Change the Lead Status of the list of the people selected to Not Interested. You can then select a Reason they are Not Interested from the list of options. Additional information on this feature can be found here: How To Bulk Update Lead's Status To Not Interested

6. Headers

You can click the headers in the list of leads to sort your list by each data point in either ascending or descending order. For example, click the "Name" header to sort the list alphabetically by the leads' names.

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