Capturing Leads From Your Website

ABC Ignite Sales/GymSales can capture lead information from your website forms or landing pages.

Typically, forms using WordPress plugins or other form tools can send email notifications for lead submissions. This notification can be directed to your Sales/GymSales Mailbox, which will enable those leads to flow directly into Sales/GymSales. Your location's Mailbox can be found by navigating to Company Settings > Inbound Emails as shown below.

Configuring the Email Notification

For best results, use the following guidelines when configuring the email notification.

  • Ensure your email messages are in plain text. Email messages in HTML format are not currently supported.
  • Use the accepted format that Ignite Sales/GymSales will parse. Please ensure that your emails meet this format. (See Accepted Format Example below)
  • If you cannot meet the accepted format, the support team should be able to parse what is provided as long as it is consistent. In this case, please email the helpdesk with the details of your request.

Accepted Format Example

The following is an example of the accepted format.

Name: John Smith
Phone: 415 555 1234
Email: [email protected]
Address: 123 Main St
Source: Website Campaign
Tags: Interested in Weightlifting, Needs to lose weight
Email Opted Out: Yes or No
SMS Opted Out: Yes or No

Email Opted Out and SMS Opted Out

The Email Opted Out and SMS Opted Out lines are optional.

  • If these lines are included:
    • A Yes value for the field will opt the lead out of this communication method.
    • A No value for the field will opt the lead in.
  • If these lines are not included, the leads will be opted in by default unless otherwise configured in the Company Settings.

Lead Example

Based on the Accepted Format Example above, the lead would then appear in Sales/GymSales as shown below.

Inbound Leads Not Being Received?

Inbound emails can be reviewed in the Inbound Emails section of the Company Settings. For more information, see the Inbound Emails help article.

After more Advanced Options?

Zapier App

GymSales has a Zapier App. Zapier is an integration platform to help connect systems together without code. For more information, see the Zapier App help article.

ABC GymSales API

The ABC GymSales API is also available. You can post leads to GymSales using the peopleCreate request. If you want to use this approach, contact [email protected] and we'll get you set up!

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