Best Email Practices to avoid Spam

Spam Check

GymSales offers an email spam check to help prevent the very worst of the emails from being sent.

Here are some best practices:

  1. You can use a free tool to test email deliverability:  or
  2. Before sending a large email:
    • Take a look through the email and see if it looks and feels "spammy."
    • Think about it from the perspective of an email provider trying to protect its customers: does this look like something they would like to receive?
  1. Make sure the email is personalized, using merge fields such as [person.first_name] when setting up email templates can ensure that the email does not come across as "spammy."

Things that can be caught by spam filters can include:

  • An entire email composed of capital letters
  • Frequent, random capitalization
  • Excessive punctuation, especially "$" and "!"
  • Strange spacing or excessive amounts of blank space
  • Poor spelling
  • Frequent variations in text color and size
  • Scam-like subject lines

Here are a couple of good resources:

Allowed Frequency

To improve email deliverability, GymSales allows users to send up to three (3) Bulk E-mails to the same recipient within 24 hours, regardless of their last engagement. Users can schedule more than three (3) emails per day, as long as the actual send date of those emails falls in line with the above logic (only three (3) Bulk E-mails to a person every 24 hours).

Note: This frequency limit only applies to Bulk E-mails; there is no limit on 1:1 emails or Automated Items.

If any of the individuals on the Bulk E-mail have already received three (3) emails within 24 hours, the system will display the following message:

 # recipients have reached their frequency limitation

An example of the message is shown below.

If all of the recipients have already received three (3) emails within 24 hours, the following error message will display suggesting a change in the date/time.

If some, but not all, of the recipients have already received three (3) emails within 24 hours, the following message will display suggesting a change in the date/time to accommodate all recipients; otherwise, only send to the eligible recipients as shown in the To field.

Additional Tips

To make your emails more engaging:

  • Send interesting emails.
  • Send to only those who have requested email from you.
  • Don’t send too often.
  • Segment your email sends by interests. Perhaps use TAGS on GymSales.
  • Don’t just spam your whole list!
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