User Menu Overview
The User Menu is located on the upper right of your screen
When you click on your name, a dropdown menu will appear. You will be able to access all of the administrative functions through your User Menu.
1. Click on your name.
2. A dropdown menu will appear.
User Settings
Configure your user account settings.
Company Settings
Configure your company account settings or perform company administrative functions. Only users with the access level of Club Manager or Regional Manager can access company settings.
Support Portal
Access the GymSales Help Center to view help articles, manuals on how to use GymSales.
Software Update
Be in the know about GymSales updates and software fixes! You can view all updates to the software in reverse chronological order
Signing out of GymSales
Switch Accounts
For users with access to multiple locations, click on a location to access that specific account. The check mark shows which account you're currently logged into.