Is There A User Manual Or Help Center
GymSales Help Center is a great place for users to learn everything they need to know about how to use GymSales. Articles are categorized and easily searchable through the search bar.
You can also access help center articles through the lifesaver (or help) beacon located on the lower right of your screen. Using the beacon to access articles will allow you to read the articles without leaving the GymSales site.
Benefit Of Relying On The Help Center & Help Beacon
- Correlation between highest performing GymSales Users (Salespeople and Managers) and the use of the Help Beacon
- Save time and get immediate access to answers
- Increase salespeople productivity
- Be Up To Date On Features
Help Center
1. Click User Menu > Support Portal
2. The GymSales Help Center will open in a new window.
Help Beacon
1. Click on the Help Beacon located on the lower right of the screen.
2. Type your question in the search bar.
3. A list of articles related to your question will appear.
4. Click on the article to view.
5. Click on the popout icon to open article in a new window.