How Do I Update Lead Status
When a lead is moving through the sales process, you can update the person's lead status through 2 different areas in GymSales. They are:
- Client Profile
- Calendar
Before you update a lead's status, make sure the lead has completed all of the prerequisites before moving on to the next stage, otherwise, the lead could possibly receive an incorrect automated item.
For example: If a lead says they want to sign up for a trial but hasn't completed the transaction, and you update their lead status to a trial, you could potentially (if automations are turned on) send them an incorrect email/text message asking them how they've enjoyed your gym. This is why it's important you update a person's lead status accurately and in a timely manner.
The best way to update status is through the calendar and completing an event/tour:
1. Go to the Calendar tab.
2. The calendar will appear.
3. Click on the person's name you want to update.
4. A dropdown menu will appear.
5. Select Outcome.
6. Summary Booked Tour window will appear.
7. Select an outcome to update the lead status.
8. Click Save.
Client Profile
1. Open a Client Profile.
2. Click on the lead status to view the drop down menu.
3. Select the proper status for the lead.
GymSales Tips
- Using this method to update a status is primarily used for potential members who do not go through the sales process and decides to purchase a membership or decline to buy.
- If a member quit and came back, update the status to Enquiry to restart the sales process.