How Do I Automate / Schedule Reports By Email
You can automatically send reports to yourself, salespeople, and managers. However only users within your GymSales account can receive these reports. The reports can be set on a schedule to be emailed on a daily, weekly, or monthly interval. Once the report has been scheduled, the recipient will receive an email attachment.
1. Go to Company Settings.
2. On the admin panel select Scheduler.
3. Click Add Report Email
4. Complete the required fields.
Frequency: Receive reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis
Day: Select the day of the week for weekly reports or select a day in the month for the monthly report. Not applicable for daily.
Time: Time in the day you want the email received
Report: The report you want emailed to you.
Recipients: The people you want receiving the report. Only users with access to your GymSales account can receive scheduled reports.
5. Click Save.
You can schedule as many reports as you like. Repeat steps to schedule more reports.