Company Settings Overview


The Company Settings allows users with the role of Regional Manager or Club Manager to update system settings, configure your own account, or perform administrative functions.

General Settings: Make changes to your company contact information, configure calendar, timezone, and general settings.
Users: Create, edit, or delete user accounts.
Templates: Add or edit saved responses for email and text messages.
Automated items: Create or edit your automations. Workflows are built here as well.
Scheduler: Schedule reports to be automatically emailed to users. Schedule text message appointment reminders to leads.
Custom Forms: Create and edit web based forms for lead capturing.
Tags: Manage tags.
Inbound Emails: Your account email inbox and email address.
Calls: Recorded incoming calls
Appointment Categories: Labels you can attach to appointment groups.
KPI: Add or edit key performance indicators for the company or individuals.
Monthly Sales Targets: Add or edit monthly sales targets for the company or individuals.
Marketing Sources: Add or edit your marketing sources.
System Integration: Setup or configure integrations with your membership billing software.
App Settings: Setup or configure the guest waiver app.

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